About me

I grew up in the west of Vienna, where I still live. After abitur and civilian service I have studied geo­graphy. I have been working at Uni­ver­sity of Vienna as student assistant and tutor for 5 years (at De­part­ment of Geo­graphy and Regional Research). Since 2017 I am em­ployed at an inter­na­tio­nal or­ga­ni­sa­tion in the field of severe weather.

Since I was born water is very fas­ci­na­ting for me. The con­nection between me­teoro­logy and hydro­logy is a subject I have been dealing with since my youth. This issue is an im­portant part of the web­site.

Besides I do sports – pre­viously com­pe­ti­tive sports, nowa­days only sports as a hobby. This ac­ti­vity in­cludes mainly biking, running and hiking. But I like cre­ative ac­tivi­ties a lot, too.

In 2021 I founded my own pu­bli­shing com­pany.

My family

Website of my brother (railway, garden railroad, various calculators) -> in German mainly

Website of my mother (writer) -> in German

Website of my cousin Michael (cyclist) -> in German mainly

Page last updated in Oktober 2023